Lancaster, Pennsylvania and Kaarina, Finland November 11, 2024—NewEnergyBlue, the clean-technology designer of biomass refineries that turn agricultural waste into highly decarbonized biofuels and biochemicals, and MetGen, the Finnish pioneer in advanced enzymes and lignin fractionization, today began integrating their renewable technologies and business units to vigorously compete with fossil-carbon products not just environmentally but economically. […]

Source: Our readers have voted. The Blog has really seen a boom in visits.  The most innovative bioeconomy CEO 2019 is Alex Michine, CEO of MetGen, the Finnish company founded in 2008 and focused on genetic engineering and synthetic biology (you can read our recent interview with him here). Alex Michine succeeds to Ken Richards (Leaf Resources), […]

Source: METNIN™ Technology combines high solubility of lignin and enzymatic treatment, designed to specifically modify and activate any lignin. Discover the potential mid-range applications (e.g. polyurethane foams, sizing and coating) of this revolutionary lignin valorization technology. Currently, only about 2% of the lignin available from the pulp industry is commercialized, mainly from the sulfite process. […]

Source: MetGen is a Finnish company headquartered in Kaarina and founded in 2008 on the core competence of genetic engineering and synthetic biology. In this exclusive interview with Il Bioeconomista, the CEO, Alex Michine, talks about the achievements and the next steps of the company and gives us his point of view regarding the bioeconomy in Finland […]